Main Session Room: KS schools
Metal Room: MO schools
Wood Room: OK/AR schools

(choose 1 or 2 questions or create your own, and remember to go first)
1. In my life right now, I’m really excited about...
2. One thing you probably don’t know about me is...
3. I came to Engage because...
4. This weekend I’m looking forward to...
5. My favorite college experience thus far is...
6. A moment in my life that I will never forget is...
1. What was your most peaceful day?
2. Describe a time when you felt peace on a bad day? What is the similarity?
3. Which aspect of Christ’s promise of way, truth and life most spoke to you?
4. Which aspect do you think would speak best to the people around you, the different cultures at your school?
5. How can you cultivate a desire for nearness to the Father?
6. What “daunts” you?
7. How do these truths help?
On Saturday Night from 5-7pm your small group will eat dinner at the home of a family in the Kansas City area. These families have generously volunteered to open their homes to you and they are excited to meet and get to know each of you!
A few notes:
On Friday night, during your small group time, choose a place for your group to meet on Saturday at 4:15 pm so that you can leave for your host home. Please arrive on time and ready to go at the meeting place you selected.
If you are a small group leader, please attend the Small Group Leader’s Meeting at 8:15 am on Saturday in the Water Room for important information and instructions for your host home experience and to receive your host home packet with directions to your host home for the evening.
If you have specific dietary needs, your host family is aware of them and is planning accordingly
Many of our hosts are planning to do their meal outside (weather permitting), so bring a jacket or sweatshirt if the weather is chilly.
Please take a picture at some point during the evening and text it to Rachel Nieters (314-954-8180) and/or tag @centralplainsnavs and #navsengage24 on Instagram.
Please make sure to leave your host home at 7pm so that you can be back in time for the Saturday Night session.
When you return from your host home, make sure to write and address the thank you card and return it and your host home packet to Rachel Nieters at the Info Table.
Because these families are expecting you and have put time and energy into preparing a meal for your group, YOU MUST ATTEND. If there is an emergency and you cannot attend, please let your small group leader and Rachel Nieters (314-954-8180) know as soon as possible.