The Jacksonville Summer Training Program is an 8-week spiritual training and experience opportunity. Between Bible study, evangelism, discipleship, and the community, every aspect of the program is designed to train you up in godly character and give you the confidence to walk in obedience to God's call for your life. The time and sacrifice that is given to focusing on your spiritual training next summer will reap benefits that will last the rest of your time in college, adult years, and into eternity.

EXHIBITORS: Annika Heaps & Kirsten Carper
Are you looking for a summer job – one that challenges and equips you in your walk with Christ? Are you excited about sharing Jesus with the next generation? Are you wanting to get outside and have fun this summer? If you answered yes - Eagle Lake Camps may be where you belong this summer. Through life-on-life discipleship, inductive Bible study, Christ-centered community, and contagious fun you get to grow and help campers grow as well. Camp is from the end of May through the beginning of August (partial summer commitments are an option).

EXHIBITORS: Garett Butler & Eva Haub
EDGE is a two year commitment with the Navigators to further ministry on campus and develop your skills in ministry as well. EDGE stands for evangelism, discipleship, growth and experience. Part of the job is evangelizing to students and developing different skills to do this well. The biggest part of the job is discipleship where you meet 1:1 with students and help them further their walk with God. You grow through learning to help students and completing different bible studies and training plans with your campus trainer. The overall experience is worth it!

EXHIBITOR: Katie Greiner & Brian Hopp
iEDGE is a two year commitment to make disciples of university students overseas. You’ll join a team of 3-4 other recent college grads alongside long-term in-country staff. You’ll make unforgettable friends across cultures and plant the gospel deep in their hearts. You’ll grow in your vision, character, heart, and practical experience. You’ll be challenged in ways you couldn’t have guessed and grow in ways you wouldn’t believe. It will be hard. It will be an adventure. Jesus is worth it. The nations are waiting.

EXHIBITOR: Nancy Langley
We launch and develop new generations of people like you to sacrificially advance Jesus’ Kingdom to the ends of the earth. We have hundreds of workers in over 50 countries, from North and South America to Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. Over two-thirds of our overseas workers live in and among people who historically have been resistant to the gospel. Many of them work in or near the 10/40 Window, named for the belt of countries falling 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator from Africa to Asia.

"This [relational] bridge of trust is strong enough to bear the weight of truth." OKC is next door to everywhere and with one of the richest legacies of disciplemaking anywhere in the country, the relationships you form here in our many diverse networks will bear the weight of truth as you continue to be invested in and as you continue to bring the true gospel with you into the next phases of your life.

"Leaders are readers," so it's been said.
I think I saw that in a book that I read.
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