Meet this Year's Giving Project
Max Maynor
Growing up in Kansas City, Missouri, Max knew Jesus as his Savior and experienced God's presence in various aspects of his life. During his sophomore year at Northwest Missouri State University, he found The Navigators, which led to exceptional growth in his faith and helped him build a personal relationship with the Lord. Before graduating with a degree in computer science, Max went on a transformative month-long trip to Southeast Asia, where he felt a clear calling to serve in that region. He is currently preparing to return there to serve and follow God’s calling.
TIME ALONE WITH GOD (TAWG): Tomorrow morning from 8:30-9 am we encourage you to get together with 1-2 friends and spend time in the Word together. If you’re not sure what that looks like or where in the Bible to go, talk to your small group leader and they can give you some direction. If you'd like some further tips on how to go about your TAWG, click here​.
SWEATSHIRTS: All remaining shirts are up for grabs for purchase! Drop by the t-shirt table to get your Engage 2023 shirt!
HOST HOMES: Please make sure to write your thank you note and take your Host Home survey. When you’re finished, drop your packet off with Rachel at the info table.
SMALL GROUPS: Small Groups begin at 10 pm. Locations and processing questions can be found on the screen and here.
FREE TIME: begins at 11 pm. Check out our Free Time page for ideas on what to do.
INSTAGRAM: Be sure to tag us if you post any photos/reels this weekend! @centralplainsnavs #navsengage24
QUIET HOURS: begin at midnight. You don’t have to be asleep, but you must be in YOUR room with ONLY your roommates at midnight.
BREAKFAST: Stoney Creek’s breakfast bar will be open from 7-8:45 am. Be sure to eat a good meal and meet us at the Main Session room by 9 am.​
CHECK-OUT: All conference attendees must be checked out of their rooms will all belongings loaded into cars by 8:30 am tomorrow. Be sure to turn in your room key to the front desk before the Main Session.