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Spiritual Conversations on the Plaza

The goal for our time at the plaza is to be 1) praying to God to raiseup/send out laborers into the harvest field and 2) to practiceengaging people with spiritual questions, trusting that God is atwork preparing people’s hearts to hear and respond to the Gospel.


Here's how this will work:

  1. Grab your lunch on your way out of the church after theworkshops

  2. Find your carpool of 4-6 which your campus director should havealready communicated to you.

  3. Drive to the plaza and split up in groups of 2-3

  4. You should arrive and be walking around no later than 12:15. Youwill need to be getting into your car to head back at 1:15 pm

  5. While on the plaza, here is how you can easily approach peopleand talk with them...​

Hi, we are going around the plaza asking people a few spiritual questions. Could we ask them to you?

  • What is your opinion of Jesus?

  • How did you come to that opinion?

  • We’re at a conference right now that’s interested inmeeting people’s needs, how could we pray for you rightnow?

  • Could I share with you how Jesus has changed my life?

Parking at plaza

In order to avoid over crowding parking lots, we are asking you to go to lots by state. Look at the breakdown below:


  • Kansas, Oklahoma & Arkansas - Giralda

  • Missouri - Granada

Lunch details

To equip you to get to The Plaza and share the gospel, we will have the elements of to-go lunches, ready for you to pack in the hallway just behind the stage.

  • The line will start on the east side, right by where you registered last night.

  • If on your registration, you indicated a food sensitivity or allergy, your food will be on a table right next to the registration table.

  • Everyone else, our volunteers will be directing you to move through the line, east to west with everyone exiting the doors on the west side of the church.

  • In line, grab a paper bag and open it.  As you go:

  • Grab a chick-fil-a sandwich

  • Grab a bag of chips

  • Grab a bag of cookies

  • Grab a sauce packet and a bottle of water


As you finish, please step outside and find the car you will be riding in to The Plaza

Enjoy your food on the way, dispose of your trash appropriately, and

Come back and tell us your stories!

COVID protocols

  • Masks are required when in the church

  • If you start to experience COVID symptoms during the conference, text Ellen Tate 214-542-1832

  • While on the plaza to have spiritual conversations with people, masks are not required, but we will practice “mask mirroring”: if you encounter someone who is wearing a mask, when you talk to them, please put on your mask to respect their preference. If you would like to wear your mask the entire time you are engaging with people on the plaza, you are welcome to do so.

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